(1) 无国际象棋 Anti-Chess
所有格都不能和另一些格相等,一般是通过国际象棋能到达的另一格。All the numbers cannot be equal to other several cells. Usually another cell, which can be arrived by one-step Chess.
(2) 不连续 Non-Consecutive
所有格都不能和另一些格连续。All the numbers cannot be consecutive with some other cells.
∎斜不连续Diagonal Non-Consecutive
(3) 基于其他规则 Basic on other rules
在另一种规则上,所有数字受到某种限制。Basic on another variants, all the numbers are limitted.
(4) 部分数字限制 Not all numbers limitted
只有达成某种条件的所有数字受到限制。Only all the numbers fit the rules are limitted.
(5) 其他 Others
✿无四No Four