
来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-22 14:06:29




Classic rules applied. Additionally, numbers in adjacent cells cannot be consecutive. Actually, we can regard it as a Consecutive with no bar.


Most of the patterns are written in the page of Consecutive. The next part we will talk about something else.


六阶的潜规则 Hidden Rules in 6x6


Each 2 cells in same Box and same Column has the difference with 3. It means the type of 14, 25 and 36.


九阶可能的终盘轮换 Numbers may rotate in 9x9 solution

① 这个案例中,所有的148/257/369在横向轮换。如果已知数有对称性,答案有很大概率有全盘的轮换。

All the 148/257/369 are rotating in horizon in this example. If the given has symmetry, the answer will has more possible about all-grid rotating.

② 局部轮换,在这个案例中发生在第一,第二和第三宫中。

Local rotating, happens in Box 1, 2 and 3 in this example.


三连不连 No consecutive in three


Three connected different cells cannot contain three consecutive numbers.



① 相邻两格候选数是AB和AC(B和C连续),则它们一定有A,构成A的区块。

Adjacent cell with candidates AB and AC (B consecutive with C), they must contain A, and form a Block of A.

② 单元格X与不同的两格Y和Z相邻,Y和Z的候选数都是{K-1, K, K+1},那么X不能是这些候选数中的任意一个。

Cell X is adjacent with different cell Y Z with candidates {K-1, K, K+1}, delete these candidates from cell X.

③ 单元格X与不同的两格Y和Z相邻,Y和Z的候选数都是ABC(B与C连续),那么X不能是B或C。

Cell X is adjacent with different cell Y Z with candidates ABC (B consecutive with C), X cannot be B or C.


多数字结构 Multi digit non-consecutive

试错可能更为有效。Try and Error may be more useful in this case.

This example comes from @SunnieShine