
来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-22 19:22:37

无马 Anti Knight



Anti Knight is a variant with all-grid limitted. It looks like Classic.


Classic rules applied. Additionally, if a cell is A, cells have Knight Step with this cell cannot be A. The next picture shows cells like A2 or B5 cannot be A when C3=A.


Knight Step is one of the Chess Step, so Anti Knight is a kind of the Anti Chess variants (Untouch is another kind of them, which is also called Anti King).



Similar to Untouch, special Blocks and deletings are common. But deletings own wider domain in Anti Knight, for Knight Steps  are usually further than King Steps.


六阶潜规则Hidden Rules in 6x6


In 6x6 puzzles, 3 kinds of numbers in colored cells, 3 kinds of numbers in other cells.

符合同位数独规则。Disjoint rules are obeyed.


九阶潜规则 Hidden Rules in 9x9

① 如果图中8格只有1个重复数字A,那么E5=A. 

If 8 cells like the yellow structure have just one repeated number A, then E5=A.


Proof: If E5=X, X must appear twice in yellow cells.

② 如果四角上这四组2x2方格都不是A,那么E5=A。

If these four 2x2 squares on corner cannot be A, then E5=A.


Proof: Red cells cannot own A means purple cells cannot own A either (by complementariness). But A must be on the grid for 9 times, so each 2x5 part contains 2 A, and E5=A.


练习 Practice

① 六阶无马数独中,B2有多少个马步格?

How many cell has a Knight Step with B2 in Anti Knight 6x6?

② 哪些格不能是5或6?Which cells cannot be 5 or 6?

答案 Answer

① 4  B1, D5, E3