
来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-21 19:47:57

连续数独 Consecutive



Classic rules applied. Additionally, the 2 numbers adjacent to the bar is consecutive, 2 adjacent cells with no bar cannot be consecutive.


In some description, the rule is: Additionally, the 2 numbers adjacent to the bar is consecutive, all conditions are marked. This is called full-marked, it means anywhere no mark must do not obey the rules.



There should be at least one number in Consecutive. If N is odd in NxN puzzles, the unique given number cannot be (N-1)/2.



In next examples, bars in grey zones are all given. Other bars may not given in white zones.


连续对 Consecutive Pairs


Two numbers adjacent to one Bar is a Consecutive Pair.If a number in Consecutive Pair is known, we should try to find the other one, we called it as Couple.

① 如果一个连续对里有1,则它一定有2。同理N和N-1。

If a Consecutive Pair contains 1, it must contain 2 either. And also N with N-1.

② 如果某格的配偶不是2,则该格不是1。同理N-1和N。

1 cannot be in one cell when it's Couple is not 2. And also N with N-1.

③ 如果某格的配偶不是X+1和X-1,则该格不是X。

X cannot be in one cell when it's Couple is not X+1 and X-1. 


长连续 Long Consecutives


At least 3 different cells conbined by bars form a long consecutives.

① 长连续有方向 Long consecutive has directions.

② 六阶数独中,四格的长连续必须有3和4。

4-cell long consecutive in 1~6 must contain 3 and 4.

③ 如果长连续里没有2,则1不能在长连续内。

1 cannot be in long consecutives without 2.

④ 长连续分组 Groups of long consecutive

下图中,已知数3将1~6分成了1+2以及4~6两组。The given 3 seperate 1~6 into 1+2 and 4~6.


奇偶性 Parity


Adjacent cells with a bar must be one odd and one even. We can count odd and even cells, especailly in long consecutives.


六阶同区三组 3 groups a region in 6x6


Three groups of different Consecutive Pairs in one region, they must be 12+34+56.


无挡板结构Structure without bars

① 两个相邻格有A Two adjacent cells with A

It cannot contain A+1 or A-1.

② 三个不同的相邻格有A Three adjacent different cells with A

The center cannot contain A+1 or A-1.



These next ways are more often seen in Non-consecutive.


有挡板结构 Structure with bars

① A1≠2. ② C2≠2.

③ 无论3在哪里,都有B2=4。Wherever 3 is, B2=4.

④ EF5=[5,6].


2x2不连续方 Non-consecutive in 2x2 squares


Non-consecutive in 2x2 squares is a 2x2 square with no bars inside.

① 这种区域不包含三连数(如234或者678)。

3-combined consecutives (such like 234 or 678) cannot be in.

② 四连数(1234或6789)不能同时在0个或2个挡板的2x2区域之中。

4-combined consecutives (such like 1234 or 6789) cannot be all in a 2x2 square with 0 or 2 bars. 


练习 Practice A

① 第一宫有一个长连续占据了四个单元格。它们都不能是6,那么它们之中一定有______。

A long consecutives in Box 1 occupies 4 cells. All of them cannot be 6, they must contain ______.

② 四阶连续数独中是否能有一个宫没有挡板?

In 4x4 Consecutive, can there be a box without bars?

③ 填完灰色区域 Fill the grey cells.


答案 Answer A

① 2~4 ② No As the picture.

练习 Practice B

① 寻找灰色区域内的下一步 Find the next step in grey zones.

② 在这道连续中,第八宫的1应该在______,G5=______。

In this Consecutive, Hidden Single 1 in Box 8 should be in ______, G5=______.

③ 解答问号格 Find the ?cells.

答案 Answer B

① H5≠6, G5=6; H9=8, I9=9. ② H4; 8. 

③ A3=5; C4=9;

C6=2 (C5≠2, otherwise no number in B5);

B5=1(Hidden Single in Row B), C4=2, D4=3.