(1) 已知奇偶 Given Parity
这类题型会直接指出一些单元格的奇偶性。This type puzzles will show some cells' parity directly.
(2) 奇偶数字个数 Numbers of odd/even
这类题型的规则与奇数或偶数(或二者都有)的数字个数相关。This type puzzles' rule is related to the quantity of even or odd numbers (or both of them).
✿奇偶扫雷Odd Even Counting
(3) 未知奇偶 Unknown Parity
这类题型较为综合,但你需要尽量弄清每个单元格的奇偶性。Comprehensive puzzles, but you need to clear the parity of cells as much as possible.
✿奇偶克隆Odd Even Clone
✿奇偶三连禁Odd Even No Three