
来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-24 10:32:40

胶囊 Capsule



Classic rules applied, each capsule contains one odd and one even.


Half judges half


判定胶囊里的奇数/偶数 Judge the odd/even number inside


全区域奇偶性Parity in the whole region


In Capsule 6x6, each Box contains 3 odd and 3 even. In this example, 2 capsule and the given occupy 3 odd and 2 even, so we can judge the parity of C3.


练习 Practice

① 在九阶胶囊数独中,最多可以放入多少颗胶囊?一般来说,胶囊之间不能彼此重叠。

How many capusles can be put in Capsule 9x9 at most? *Capsule cannot overlap generally.

② 问号格的奇偶性是?What's the parity of the ?cell?

答案 Answer

① 40 ② 偶数 Even.