乐逍遥作品集 Puzzle Subsets of LeXiaoyao
LeXiaoyao is a Pen name of YingChangfeng. He is the master of Sudoku and Puzzles, especially hand-making ones. He designed lots of Sudoku puzzles for International competition, and variant ones for magazine. Besides, he is a teacher in ShangHai, works for Sudoku and Maths.
2023/08/06 砖墙Brick Wall (Puzzle 241)
2023/08/04 子母Tight Fit(Puzzle 235)
2023/08/01 堡垒Fortress(Puzzle 232)
2023/07/28 连续数Renban(Puzzle Subset 9)
2023/07/28 弯对角线Bent Diagonals(Puzzle Subset 9)