题目合集(九)Puzzle Subsets 009

发布时间:2023-07-28 15:22:13


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Puzzle Subsets 009

6x6 箭头 Arrow (Sky Yang)

6x6 箭头 Arrow (木心)

6x6 乘积 Product (黑铁)

6x6 斜连续 Diagonal Consecutive (梁恩雪)

6x6 二择 Choosing (孙久恒)

6x6 区域等和线 Region Sum Lines (Sky Yang)

6x6 杀手Killer (CSCP0000)

6x6 摩天楼 Skyscrapers (梁恩雪)

6x6 连续数 Renban (乐逍遥)

9x9 弯对角线Bent Diagonals (乐逍遥)