Classic rules applied. Additionally, colored cells contain odd numbers.
Irregular rules applied. Additionally, in Row or Column X, two adjacent cells sum to X are marked with a black dot, two adjacent cells with difference X are marked with a white dot. All the dots are given.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, when X is the first number in this direction, the clue shows one of the numbers in the first X cells.
Write 1~9, make numbers no repeated in each Row, Column, Box, and colored cages.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, clues in each cage indicate the result of rounding that multi-digit number (from left to right, up to down) to the nearest ten.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, the clue shows some of the numbers around it.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, the clue is the first X numbers' sum, with X is the first number in this direction.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, if the first cell is X in a Row or Column, the Xth cell is the outside clue.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, there must be at least one path from one colored cell to another colored cell which passes orthogoanlly through only odd digits.