Classic rules applied. Additionally, clue shows how many numbers can be seen in this direction, when larger number will hide lower ones.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, the sum of numbers on each line is the numbers in circle.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, clue shows how many kinds of number on it's direction.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, numbers in circle is the sum of the numbers around it.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, each two numbers around clue A, their sum cannot be A.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, numbers in each zone have same parity.
填入1~9,使得每行、列、宫,以及每一组由灰色线条连结的单元格内的数字不重复。提示表示沿该方向(如在角落,则表示斜向)观察,可以看见的摩天楼数,并且视线会沿着灰色线条拐弯。Write 1~9, make numbers no repeated in each Row, Column, Box, and each group cells combined by grey lines. The clue is the Skyscraper numbers on this direction (slant direction when the clue is on the corner), with seesights turn with the grey lines.
标准数独基础上,提示数周围四个数字中,有一个数字是其余三个数字的和。符合条件的情况被全部标记。Classic rules applied. Additionally, around each black dot, one of the numbers is the sum of other three numbers. All cases fit this rule are all marked.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, number N in arrow cell, N+1 in the direction the arrow points.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, numbers in colored zones should be square numbers with order (left→right, up→down).