Classic rules applied. Additionally, this puzzle has multiple answers, your just need to find the unique certain number.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, colored cells contain odd numbers.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, numbers in colored cells are larger than numbers in white cells adjacent to it.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, lines in a cell mark that in those directions both digits are the same at a distance of A, with A as the value of that cell.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, the clue is the ratio of the numbers or the multi-digit numbers around it. The multi-digit number should be read from left to right.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, the clue is the first X numbers' sum, with X is the first number in this direction. If there are Y cells on the direction, X≤Y.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, clue is the sum of the numbers in the cage. Numbers may repeat in each cages.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, digits along each line have an equal sum within each Box it passes through.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, each two numbers around clue A, their sum cannot be A.
Classic rules applied. Additionally, in 2 colored zones, same position own a pair of consecutive numbers.