含楼箭Arrow With Skyscrapers

发布时间:2023-03-08 19:31:25



① 摩天楼规则:外圈的提示数为摩天楼数。摩天楼数:从这一方向上看过去,当大数字遮住小数字时,可以看见的数字的个数。

② 箭头规则:圆圈内数字等于线条上数字之和。

Classic rules applied. Additionally:

① Rule of Skyscrapers: The outside number is skyscraper numbers.  The skyscraper number means how many numbers can be seen, when you look from this direction, with large numbers hiding the lower ones.

② Rule of Arrow: Arrow circle is the sum of numbers on arrow line.

摩天楼规则Rule of Skyscrapers

箭头规则Rule of Arrow

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