定义1 XYwing
XYwing is a technique with 2-candidate cells. Three cells XZ, XY, YZ, they are linked by chains (Z==X)--(X==Y)--(Y==Z), the candidate Z of cells affected by XZ and YZ will be deleted.
Two kinds of XYwing, one is as a right angle, only one Z will be deleted (The example 1); In the other situation, several Z will be deleted on two directions (The example 2). I called them Right-Angle XYwing and Bevel-Angle XYwing.
XYwing may be Siamese when the goal cell is in a Naked Pair.
XYwing may transmit by equal cells.
定义2 XY链 XYchain
XY链是XYwing的延申。XYChain is the extend of XYwing.
定义3 XY环 XY-Loop
XY-Loop is a special case of XYChain, it can cause a large area deletings.
Blue cells cannot form XYwing, for (2==3)-X-(3==5)--(2==5). But in Row 4, number 3 can only be in yellow cells. Now E1(3) and F4(3) cannot be all true, so the XYwing can be formed.
练习 Practice
① 在标记了候选数的格子里寻找XYwing。
Find XYwing in cells with candidates.
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