隐性唯一Hidden Singles

来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-18 14:35:23

隐性唯一 Hidden Singles


定义1 宫内隐性唯一 Hidden Singles in Box


If a number can only be in one cell in a Box, that's a Hidden Single in that Box. Hidden Single in Box is the most common step in most common puzzles, it's the basic of the basic.


单次排除 Eliminate for once


Sometimes we just need only one eliminate line.


多次排除 Eliminate for several times


In most situation, we need more than once step. Sometimes, there may be interference numbers.


定义2 行列隐性唯一 Hidden Singles in Row/Column


If a number can only be in one cell in a Row/Column, that's a Hidden Single in that Row/Column. Hidden Singles in Row/Column will be more covert. 


定义3 基本功 Basic Techniques


Naked Singles and Hidden Singles form Basic Techniques. All other techniques are auxiliary means. If we want to get a next sure number, we must find Naked or Hidden Singles.


定义4 最后一数Last Digit


In a NxN sudoku, each number will appear N times. If a number appear N-1 time, and we find the last one, that's a Last Digit. 


If we find number A, we should try to find as much A as we can. In most cases we may find just some of them.

In this example, we can sure most of the 1s, but there are 1 x2 we cannot make sure.


定义5 一刀流 One by One


There're a special kind classic sudoku for training, they are called 一刀流(One by One). As it's name, you should do it from 1~9, find all 1, all 2, all3...... and all 9 last.


You can do it in http://www.sudokufans.org.cn/


There're 2 kinds of 一刀流, one of them can be solved only by only Hidden Singles in Boxes. To solve another one, you must need to search for Hidden Singles in Rows/Columns.


练习 Practice

① 九阶标准数独中,我们如何检查是否找到了所有的5?

In a 9x9 puzzle, how to check have we finished all about number 5?

② 如果需要找到宫内隐性唯一,在4/6/9阶数独中,我们需要多少个已经确定的数字?

If we want to get a Hidden Single in Box, how many known numbers need in 4x4/6x6/9x9 Sudoku?


答案 Answer

① 数一下是不是有9个5。Count if there are 5 x9 in the grid. ② 2/3/4.