
来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-11 11:43:03

摩天楼 Skyscrapers



Skyscrapers is a kind of variant sudoku, with a rule difficult to understand, especially for some newcomers.



To understand the rules, you can regard the grid as a plant, and the numbers are skyscrapers. Number X means the skyscrapers' height is X.


In this example, we see from left, we can see the skyscraper 2 and 3, 1 will be hidden by 2. Now, 2 skyscrapers can be seen, the outside clue is 2.


When you see from the right, you can only see the skyscraper 3, because 1 and 2 are all hidden. Now, only 1 skyscrapers can be seen, the outside clue is 1.


You can also use this pic to understand the rules.

This pic comes from @SunnieShine



最大的数字N The largest number N


If the largest number N is in the outermost side, the outside clue must be 1, vice versa. 


第二大的数字N-1 The second number N-1

① 最外侧的每边都必须有N-1的数字,对应的外提示必定是2。

There must be a clue 2 in each side with the outside number as N-1.

② 外提示是2时,N-1不能在第二格。

N-1 cannot be in the second cell when the outside clue is 2.

③ 如果N在末端,而提示是2,首位必定是N-1。

If N is at the end of Row/Column, and the clue is 2, the first number must be N-1.

④ 如果N在倒数第二格,第一格只能是N-1或N-2。

If N is at the second cell of the end, the first number can only be N-1 or N-2.

⑤ 如果两侧的提示都是2,必定有一侧第一格是N-1。

If both of the sides' clue are 2, one of the end must be N-1.


数字1 Number 1


If all the numbers can be seen, 1 must be as the first number on one side.


过大的提示 Too-large clues

① 提示M,对于任意i≤M,第i格的取值范围是[1, i+(N-M)]。

If the clue is M, to i≤M, the ith cell should have the range of [1, i+(N-M)].

② 提示M,N在第M格,对于任意i≤M,第i格的取值范围是[i, i+(N-M)]。

If the clue is M, and N is in the Mth cell, to i<M, the ith cell should have the range of [i, i+(N-M)].


两侧提示之和 Sum of both sides clues

① 两侧提示和是N+1时,所有楼都会被看见。

If the sum of the both side clues is N+1, then all the numbers will be seen.

② 提示和较大时,你可以尝试摆放较大数字的位置。

You can try to put the large number when the sum of both side is large.


一组拐弯数字 A group of 1~N turning


提示定顺序 Order by clue


缺一格结构 K numbers with K-1 clue



Generally, compared to other variant or Classic, views about Rows and Columns are more important in this type.


练习 Practice

① 在六阶摩天楼数独中,B1旁边的提示是5,B1最大是______。

In 6x6 Skyscrapers, clues adjacent to B1 is 5, B1 can at most be ______.

② 在六阶摩天楼数独中,一行两侧有两个提示,它们的和最大是______。

In 6x6 Skyscrapers, there are 2 clues on both sides of one Row, their sum can at most be ______.

③ 解答问号格 Find out the ?cell.

答案 Answer

① 2 ② 7 ③ E1=4