不等号Greater Than

来源:本站 作者:Halcyon 发布时间:2023-03-11 20:18:32

不等号 Greater Than(GT)



Classic rules applied, additionally, > and < will be used to show which is larger in the adjacent cells.


It is often called GT. There're two kinds of GT. Usually points to the second type unless otherwise specified. 


全标不等号 Full mark GT


This type is generated by JSudoku. All > signs in Boxes are marked, but no one cross two Boxes.

① 数字1不能大于其他格,检索1的位置,寻找1的隐性唯一。

1 cannot be larger than other cells, and scan to get Hidden Singles of 1.

② 同样地,N不能小于其余数字,也可以被检索。接下来是检索2和N-1。

And also, scan N for it cannot be smaller than others. Then we scan for 2 and N-1. 


部分标记不等号 GT

不是所有符号被标记,并且符号可能介于两个宫之间。在赛事中更常见,一般是由Color Sudoku进行设计的。

Not all signs are marked, and signs may cross Boxes. This kind of GT are more usual in competitions. It is usually designed by Color sudoku.


长不等号 Long GT

① 一串数字由不等号链接,构成递增、递减情况。可以类比长温度计进行处理。

A group of number linked by signs, and form the situation of ascending or descending. Deal them as Long Thermo.

② 一组不同数字内的最大、最小值。

Sometimes we know a group of number, we can try to certain the largest or smallest one.


本质 The essence


Fortress and Thermo are all GT essentially. In those puzzles, the max and min value will help us. 


最大最小数 The largest and smallest


1 cannot be larger than other, N cannot be less than other.


练习 Practice

① 在四阶不等号中,A1=3,A3<A2,A2可能是______。

In 4x4 GT, A1=3, A3<A2, A2 may be ______.


In 4x4 GT, C4=1, A3>A2, Hidden Singles 1 in Box 2 should be in ______.

③ 找出问号格的答案 Find out the ?cells.

答案 Answer

① 2 or 4 ② B3 ③ B4=6; D1=1.